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Videos / Interviews / Lectures

AAAI Symposium Recap Limerick

Dr. Ibrahim Baggili, Stanford University, March 23, 2015

UNH Current Issues Discussion - Don't Upload Yourself? -

By Dr. Ibrahim Baggili

Friends of the Library: Dr. Ibrahim (Abe) Baggili

Presenting "The State-of-the-art in cyber forensics: Now and Tomorrow", Feb 18, 2015

Malware Investigation Toolkit (MINT)

An Android Toolkit for Investigating Android Malware.

How to protect your Internet Life

A video produced by my student Dan Walnycky as part of a privacy project.

Privacy is Dead

A video produced by my student Dan Walnycky as part of a privacy project.

WhatsApp Location Vulnerability

Our infamous WhatsApp vulnerability video.

Graduate showcase video

My students showcasing their research projects.

Viber Vulnerabilities

Our infamous Viber non-encrypted vulnerabilities video. 

Unboxing video

In this video, we were the first to ever unbox digital forensic equipment on youtube using google glass and GoPro.

Jordan Music Video

This is a music video for a song I wrote and sang that was directed by my sister Mouna Moussa.

Russia Today ACFRL Feature

A mini-documentary feature on Russia Today TV on the Adanced Cyber Forensics Research Laboratory.

Jordan TV interview

Interviewed for being the first arab and Jordanian to pursue a PhD in Cyber Forensics. 


My love for coffee is ever evident in this silent short I starred in.

Our work Featured on Abu Dhabi TV

Our ACFRL accomplishments featured on AD TV in an interview with VP Suleiman Al Jasim.

Interview on Sama Dubai TV

Interviewed for being the first arab and Jordanian to pursue a PhD in Cyber Forensics. 

Feature in Abu Dhabi TV on ACFRL

The Advanced Cyber Forensics Research Laboratory featured on Abu Dhabi TV.

ICDF2C Feature on Abu Dhabi TV

The conference I chaired featured on ICDF2C.

Extending anonymity research to high-tech white collar crimes 

A presentation aired on Purdue TV and prsented at the Purdue CERIAS seminar.


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